Wait a minute ... I thought only us fundamentalists and evangelicals had a problem with homosexuality? While there is room for discussion/confrontation regarding some of the message (and methodology) pictured above, the Bible is clear, homosexuality is sin.
While I think what I see above is wrong at several levels, I'm bothered that some of my "christian brethren" use scenes as the above as impetuous to rewrite Biblical truth.
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I don't know where those signs are, but they are not representative of Judaism as a whole. Orthodox Judaism does see homosexuality as a sin. Reform Judaism does not and even ordains homosexual Rabbis. The jury is still out in the Conservative movement but all of Judaism stands by:
"Genesis chapter 1, verse 26, God says, “Let us make people in our image, after our likeness.” I believe it is fair to say that this passage teaches that since all human beings are created in God’s image, we should all treat each other with the same respect that we give to God. As we struggle to reach an understanding of homosexuality in our community, let us strive to see the Divine in everyone. And let’s strive to be especially careful to treat those whose beliefs and behaviors differ from ours, no matter which side of the issue, with respect and fairness."
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