A truly converted life is a disrupted life. That is what you see in scripture. And a "disrupted" life flies in the face of much of what modern North American Christianity would consider as conversion. St. Paul is the classic example. His conversion completely disrupted his life. It was not the same. His conversion was not just about a change in his religious observances, nor was it just a "spiritual" experience. It was a total experience, and physical too. Somehow Paul was so changed that he began to live his life in a completely different way. His conversion was not a "compartment" of his life among all the other "compartments." And later when Paul was persecuted, hunted, beaten, and imprisoned, his life remained "disrupted", and the experience remained a "total" one.
This is great stuff! I don't know if I would describe my life as disrupted. Changed yes, but disrupted? Lord make your presence known in such a way that I am disrupted today and every day that remains.
Technorati Tags: Antony Hanson, conversion, salvation