Monday, September 03, 2007

zum tuerken

It just goes to show you, not all is as it seems. This lovely little hotel, Zum Türken, is in danger of being shut down. I stayed there just a few years back because (1) it is beautiful, (2) it is a stone's throw from Hitler's Eagle's Nest, and (3) it was used by the SS during WWII and is situated over a bunker system that you can tour. The government has said this has become "a shrine to neo-Nazis who come to see Nazi propaganda and anti-Semitic statements scrawled and carved on its walls."

Oddly, I missed all that. I saw it as a historic site like so many others around the world.

The same thing is going on around me today in the world of religion. I look around and I see a mix of things. Mostly I think, "oh, interesting." Others are looking around and finding all sorts of problems. Is it simply that my perspective is off? We're both seeing the same thing. Hmmm?


  1. Deception is multi-faceted and can simultaneously deceive all the parties involved, even ones that espouse truth. We have vastly underestimated the power and mircurial nature of evil, and we think because we might believe the orthodox understanding of the inerrant Scripturtes that we have escaped the deception.

    While the EC plays with fire, however well intentioned, the watchman on the self righteous wall have also been enveloped by deception even while identifying deception in others. Without prayer and an abject humility we are deception magnets.

    One can be in possession of truth and still be completely deceived. It is something to contemplate daily.


  2. Anonymous9:55 AM

    We stayed in the General Walker Hotel in the same area. It was a luxury hotel in view of the Eagle's Nest. The US military took it over after the war and made it a resort for the military. I was surprised to read in Wikipedia that the US turned it back over to the Germans and they tore it down. See: General Walker Hotel

    It also had tunnels underneath that led to the other buildings in the area that belonged to the Nazis.
