Monday, September 03, 2007

pride is the root

Although I'm finished trying to help Pyromaniacs from their spiral deeper into sin, I still have hope that some of you are listening and not falling into their trap.

To their most recent post, Patrick glibly states, "Where have all the defenders of the EC gone? Seems like they only come over to this blog when they can all come at once." He seems to be completely unaware of the refusal of TeamPyro to face truth and are therefore being abandoned.

Centuri0n, never missing an opportunity to stir up animosity, reveals the evil in his heart with this, "They're taking a sabbath. I think it's cute"

Yet they continue to claim this is edifying and part of their exposing of truth. It looks more like sophomoric humor and a play at increasing popularity.

Steve, a pro-Pyro guy, posted this Karl Barth quote in his comment. The blindness of the group causes them to not realize it is of themselves they speak.
When the Church becomes secular, it is the greatest conceivable misfortune both for the Church and the world....It then loses its specific importance and meaning; the justification for its existence.

It's amazing to me how this group has taken worldly motivational posters and converted them into a means to mock others and increase their popularity. Yet they still cling to words such as Barth's above to justify themselves. It seems more self-condemning.


  1. The intellectual elitism is palpable. The humorous "winks" to massage each other with their bourgeoisie interaction meant to demean the proletariat which actually resembles the hindu caste system.

    It is fleshly intellectualism that does not resemble Christ but creates a forum for cerebral interchange that affirms the castle dwellers and scorns the surfs. Nothing Christian about it, paper doctrine worshiped like scrolls while the Spirit of Christ and His merciful redemption tags along somewhere far behind.

  2. I had to look up a couple of those words but, yes, you are correct.
