Monday, September 03, 2007

truth and deception

Only a few people read my blog and even fewer read the comments. To ensure this gets read by some, here is an excellent comment by Henry (Rick) Frueh.
One can be in possession of truth and still be completely deceived.

Coincidentally I just read a Mark Driscoll quote at Reformissionary.

Fundamentalism is really losing the war, and I think it is in part responsible for the rise of what we know as the more liberal end of the emerging church. Because a lot of what is fueling the left end of the emerging church is fatigue with hardcore fundamentalism that throws rocks at culture. But culture is the house that people live in, and it just seems really mean to keep throwing rocks at somebody's house.

If you want to ensure you get it wrong, take your eyes off of Jesus and start looking around to critique others. I don't care which side of the issue you are on, you will end up being wrong.

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  1. For what it's worth, I read your blogs (in Google Reader). I've never commented, so you wouldn't know... there may be others! Thanks for your posts.

    Robert Austell
    Charlotte, NC

  2. Thank Robert ... oh, and I've seen your blog before ... good stuff.
