Wednesday, April 05, 2006

the "never happen again" lie

I need to show off how "global" have become these past few years. There's a big lie being propagated by my American friends that 01:02:03 04.05.06 happened last night and that it will not happen again ... well, it will happen again, next month in fact, for people outside the US where the day comes before the month. So on May 4, it will once again be 01:02:03 04.05.06 - I just had to expose this ... it is very important.

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  1. yes, and it will happen twice that day and every century thereafter.

  2. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Yesterday I change the birthday on a person from Afghanistan. Well, the date on his license anyway. He changed is residency from Afghani to German and his birth year changed 5 years. Seems they don't recognize the birth of Jesus and their calendar is five years behind ours. will happen again in about 5 years for the Afghan folks.

  3. so this myth is busted at several levels... in addition to those cited, this "phenomenon" happens 24 (or 48 by wince's math) times in a whatever day it happens (once per time zone).

    ok - I think we beat this one enough...
