Wednesday, April 05, 2006

tale of three kings

I first read A Tale of Three Kings about 8 years ago while going through a dark night of the soul. God spoke powerfully to me through those words and saved me from much personal injury and probable injury to others. I just re-read it (2 hours if you are a slow reader) and concluded that I should re-read it every year.

It is not filled with great theology. It doesn't completely penetrate the richness of the Biblical account of Saul, David and Absolom. And, for those of you that hate writers that "fill in the blanks" where the Bible doesn't actual speak, you will hate this book.

But, if you are a man in authority or under authority, you will at some point relate to each one of these kings. Gene Edwards writes in such a way that causes you to realize that you are not always the "good" king that you think you are. His style sneaks up on you and the surprise is both wonderful and sobering. This little book is a must read. I would summarize it but it in itself is a summary.

Certainly if you are someone struggling with opposition, you absolutely must read this study in brokenness.

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