Thursday, April 06, 2006

preach the gospel

As I plumb the depths of the Gospel and the ways that we are called to demonstrate and proclaim it, I found this excellent quote by St. Francis of Assisi.
Go out and preach the Gospel by all means possible, and if you have to... you can even use words.
I am more convinced than ever that as Jesus was to Israel, the Church is to be to the world (short of the once-and-for-all sacrificial death on the cross). And that His life, demonstration and proclamation of the Kingdom, is our model for living. This spans from the great miracles to the humble, sacrificial life (even death). I think the Gospels are called that because they encompass Jesus' model for us - which is more than the wonderful promise of eternal life with the Father for those that receive His forgiveness and follow His leadership.

1 comment:

  1. definitely, rick...LIVE the gospel, BE the good news in your environments!
