Sunday, April 02, 2006

driscoll on big love

I've posted in the past on the topic of polygamy assume the issues were self-evident. Mark Driscoll does a better job with the topic using HBO's new series, Big Love, as a starting point. For those of you too tired to click over to his post, I've pulled out the "Scripture" part...
... polygamy a sin according to Scripture? The results of polygamy are truly tragic in Scripture. God’s intention is that each man would have one wife (Genesis 2:18; Matthew 19:4–6). The first man to take more than one wife was the godless man Lamech (Genesis 4:19–24). When polygamy is practiced, it is wrought with favoritism, fighting, jealousy, and mistreatment (e.g., Genesis 25:28; 27:1–45; 35:22; 38:18–28; 2 Samuel 3:2–5; 13:1–29; 15:1–18:33; 1 Kings 11:1–4). This also helps to explain why in the New Testament church, elders who serve as the pattern for Christian families are to be one-woman men (1 Timothy 3:2, 12). Importantly, it was God who created the covenant of marriage, thus He alone defines what it is. And His definition of one man and one woman eliminates any alternatives such as bestiality, homosexuality, and polygamy.
Don't do it ...

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