Sunday, April 02, 2006

abortion pill kills

I've commented before that reading the news always leaves me wondering - and often not feeling too good about being part of this group known as the human race. Well yesterday some doctors voiced some concern over the safety of the abortion pill. Ah, ya, like the fact that it kills at least one life whenever its used? And now that's made worse since apparently some of the mothers are also are dying from it.

That aside, the quotes within the article are what strike me.
  • "I think surgery should be the procedure of choice," Dr. Hern said. Pills, he said, "are a lousy way to perform an abortion." - huh?
  • "Some deaths may have gone unreported" - where are these people?
  • "But the truth is the truth," - now I like this guy ... I just don't like his version of the truth.
  • "One needs to tell patients that the medical procedure, even though it seems more natural, may be more likely to result in death," - natural? What is natural about any of this?
Why shouldn't we kill the unborn?
  1. "Thou shalt not kill" (Ex 20.13) - Hebrew word rehaz which is murder as opposed to killing in war or judicial execution.
  2. It is an assault on the "person-forming" work of God - that is, God is at work from the moment of conception (Psa 139.13, Job 31.13-15) - how dare we interrupt that!
  3. Similar to point 1, this is the shedding of innocent blood which is banned in the Bible (Psa 106.38, Jer 22.3).
  4. The Bible puts a priority on protecting the weak (Ex 22.21-24, Psa 68.5, Psa 94.6, 23).
  5. Abortion for for the purpose of avoiding difficult and tragic reasons contradicts the idea that God loves to show his gracious power through suffering (Ro 5.3-5; Ja 1.3-4; He 12.3-11; 2 Co 1.9; 4.7-12; 12.7-10).
  6. We are commanded to intervene (Pro 24.11-12).
  7. We are not to spurn children (Lk 18.15-16, Mk 9.36-37).
  8. It is God's right to give and take life, not ours (Job 1:21).
All of this presupposes that an unborn child is a child. That's an argument to be made at another time...

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  1. With each pregnancy experienced I have gained a deeper understanding of why God allows me to be a mother.

    It is not that I am worthy or good enough, but that He desires me to know what it is like to love something that I have been involved in creating.

    This understanding gives me a deeper knowledge of how deep, how wide, how unconditional God's love for me is.

    I am the product of an unwed teenage mother. I am always thankful she choose the harder route.

    - I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ...

  2. thanks for the contribution and having known you, I am thankful to your mother also.
