Sunday, April 02, 2006

camp on the doctrine of election

Years ago my friend Joel got mixed up with Presbyterians who had this crazy idea that God predestines us and our salvation is not "free will". Heresy! I set out to rescue him using Scripture as the means. Well you can guess the rest, I converted. I am now a card carrying 5-pointer. There are some who claim to hold to the doctrine of election but who are only 4 pointers (it's always the "L" they dislike - see number 9) - they are weak [insert smiley here]. Dan Phillips just wrote that he rounds up to being a 5-pointer because he is really about a 4.97 (I like his humor, his writing, and a good bit of his theology).

But seriously, Steve Camp writes an excellent summary reminding us that the sequence of Ro 8.29-30 is intentional. For a concise but thorough treatment on the topic, RC Sproul's Chosen by God is a must read. These days, if someone wants to learn more about this topic, I'm happy to discuss it. If they want to argue, I just tell them to read this book and then come back. They don't - I guess it just wasn't meant to be.

Anyway, the one that really gets me is when people say, "ok, fine, whatever - what difference does it really make?" That's when I know that they either (1) do not grasp what is really being said or (2) that they really are "Calvinists" but pride will not allow them to let go of that "free will" thing.

Understanding the concept of sovereignty effects every aspect of my Christianity. How different my prayers would be if I thought God did not have a plan and intended to deliver against that. How strong is my thankfulness to know that due to no merit of my own, He initiated and completed all that was necessary to bring me to Him. How wonderful it is to look at my children and know that they exist not simply because I think I love this beautiful girl I met in high school. How comforting it is when I see the pain and horrors in the world and know that it is all for a purpose and in the end it is completely in control by the one who loves above all and whose perfect plan is soon to come to complete fruition.

Yep - I don't know how one gets through the day without this understanding.


  1. Anonymous10:07 AM

    As we have discussed before, I followed pretty much the same path to Calvinism. I, too, had friends back in 1973-77 at Ft. Hood, TX, who talked to me about predestination. I thought they were crazy. However, the more I studied, the more I found in the Scriptures that I was less in control than I originally thought. (Still, I can't figure out who decided what shirt I put on today.)
    Randy B.

  2. I've seen your shirts. Even though God is "a God of order", I'm guessing your shirt selection was made by the prince of darkness himself...or perhaps they were chosen while you were in the dark? Either way, God knew about it and had over-riding sovereignty.
