Sunday, April 02, 2006

definition of worship

I've posted a little about worship but nothing has come close to this excellent definition by John Piper in his teaching from Re 19.1-10.
Corporate worship ... [is the] ... public savoring of God in the midst of a very seductive Babylonian culture. Worship is the flagrant, open enjoyment of God as the fountain of Life. And therefore it is a public declaration that God is more to be desired than all the pleasures of Babylon.
I head off through "Babylon" in just a little bit to lead a small group in worship and to begin a series on the Kingdom of God. I've danced around the topic a bit in the group because I wanted to primarily focus on relationships and didn't want to get bogged down in one of those cessationism conversations. Tonight I have set my heart and mind to savor God and all that He is and does.

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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:18 AM

    i like john piper´s definition too. then, why don´t we worship more often outside our church buildings? (in fact, my church does.)

    piper´s definition applies also to individual worship. i had some of my very best times of savoring the lord in supermarkets, airports and in local public traffic. the consciousness of having god as my god - enjoyed right in the middle of the "babylonian system" - is an overwhelming blessing. of course, at such times i make no "public declaration", but "sing and make music in my heart to the Lord" (eph 5,19). but i believe, god is honored as well.
