Thursday, March 09, 2006

canadian but ok

One of the great Canadian's I know, Chris, has joined the blogsphere. I welcome him and have already enjoyed some of his posts (especially the prophecy from Bill Gates). Unfortunately, Canadian's are very sensitive relative to the opinions of others so he has not opened his blog for commenting. If you know him, give him a nudge. It's ok, God loves Canucks, eh?!?

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  1. Anonymous6:17 AM

    doh...the comment thing. I love the comment are some suggested options:

    (1) great comment
    (2) wow, that was amazing
    (3) chris, you know what you are talking about
    (4) have you written a book on this yet?

    and my personal fave...

    (5) all of the above

  2. Canadians are the craziest people - I just love 'em.

  3. Thanks for the tip off Rick - love the Bill Gates movie....

  4. I mean - the tip off about Chris and his blog......not the movie, that was just a bonus....
