Thursday, March 09, 2006

overcoming lust

Some good advice from Craig Heselton of VCF-Columbus on overcoming lust using Mt 5.27-30 as the main text. Heselton began with The Skylark’s Bargain from G.H Charnley to nicely illustrate the deceptive nature of lust.

The story tells of a young skylark that discovered one day a man who would give him worms for a feather. He made a deal — one feather for two worms. The next day the lark was flying high in the sky with his father. The older bird said, "You know, son, we skylarks should be the happiest of all birds. See our brave wings! They lift us high in the air, nearer and nearer to God." But the young bird did not hear, for all he saw was an old man with worms. Down he flew, plucked two feathers from his wings and had a feast. Day after day this went on. Autumn came and it was time to fly south. But the young skylark couldn’t do it. He had exchanged the power of his young wings to become fat with worms. He didn’t see the consequences of his desire. He was deceived by his desire and made the wrong choice. Don’t be deceived by your desires.

This was followed by the acronym PURITY as practical advice to address this issue.

    Put your flesh to death – gouge it out, be ruthless. And remember, what you feed will grow and what you starve will die. Ro 13.14, clothe and feed your spiritual nature and do not try to feed the sinful nature. If there is anything in your life that is feeding illicit desire, get rid of it. Do not rationalize. Do not do it slowly. Rip it out of your life.

    Understand the role of community – 1 The 5.14, actively make use of brothers and sisters to warn and build up.

    Reverence of the Lord – fear more to be thrown into hell. Sin changes us. Our consciousness is seared and we fall deeper and deeper if we fuel it. While God is faithful to forgive, as our hearts harden and we fall into deeper deception, repentance becomes seemingly further away. Fear God and do what ever is needed to escape His wrath.

    Irrigate your own lawn – actively build-up and develop a love relationship with the spouse that God provides you.

    Turn to the Lord – turn to Him to be loved, turn to Him for intimacy, turn to Him to be held, turn to Him to overcome boredom. Turn to God to satisfy longings in an appropriate way. Healing comes when we turn to the Lord and honestly ask Him what is going on inside of ourselves and look to Him to meet the real need.

    Yield to the Holy Spirit – Ro 12.2, we are not playing defense. Get on the offense and be transformed into His likeness.

Help us Lord to overcome and inherit the fullness of your Kingdom!

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