Thursday, March 09, 2006

dissatisfied satisfaction

Last night Barb and I had dinner with a great couple. Tassos is Greek and Andrea is German. They have two beautiful children (both under two years old). God's peace is upon them. We entered their home and immediately I am struck by a sense of warmth, simplicity, and love. When they speak, it is with a quiet, gentle, and kind spirit. I love it there. It is good to have friends that fill you instead of empty.

We had an excellent meal but more, we really enjoyed some wonderful conversation. The discussion was around our dissatisfaction. But it was not a mean-spirited thing. We simply cannot get enough of God in our personal lives and through our community. We all held to a desire to be "drenched" in Him especially when gathered with other believers but this simply has not been our normal experience. Not that God is absent, but we simply want more. It was beautiful in that it wasn't a complaining, it was an expression of a yearning. It seems the more we experience the wonder of our God and Creator, the greater our desire for even more experience of Him.

The challenge is how to maintain this tension and yet be content. We need to ask how we can help the fellowship of believers go deeper in the things of God without viewing negatively the family as it at times feels sluggish and slow to go on with God.

I left feeling loved, challenged in my personal walk, and challenged to move with greater freedom of expression of love toward God when gathered with others.

Thanks Tassos and Andreas! And thanks to our Lord!

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  1. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Tetris of the Mind
    Many bricks fell into place,
    Gaps were filled,
    Lines were cleared,
    Points and credits added,
    My mind - a peaceful blank.

  2. I read you blog and now I see more clearly that you are a psalmist with a heart like David's...
