Tuesday, May 04, 2010

unhelpful advise offered to homosexuals 4

This unhelpful statement just in from Lorna:

I resolve to love my fellow brothers and sisters, gay or straight, black or white unashamedly wholeheartedly and passionately.

Yes. Let's love all people of all nations. So what kind of love is it that has no standard, no boundaries, and no discipline. This is not the love nor the God described in the Bible. So while Lorna's words ring true, her definition of love and her practice of it is not that.

I prayed for someone it was a prostitute whose leg was bust in 4 places and scheduled for surgery. She walked out the day after the xrays were taken. Thats my God.

This is what I love about the Kingdom of God. We all receive a measure of grace and powerful things can and do happen through and to anyone. God does not require sanctification prior to His showing up in a person's life. In fact, it is the other way around. He first shows up, we are justified and then over time we are sanctified, i.e., our new person works it's way out into our new life.

In Lorna's example, God healed this prostitute. In that He demonstrates His power, grace, and love. He does not demonstrate His acceptance of prostitution.

Too many continue to confuse love with approval of sin. Love does not approve or discount sin, it brings repentance, forgiveness and life to those lost in sin. All that Lorna did was to cloud a clear issue by making it sound like all we need to do is love but then not live Biblical love.

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1 comment:

  1. When Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethsaida in John 5, He later said to him to stop sinning lest something worse happen to him. When Jesus ended the death sentence of the woman caught in adultery in John 8, He told her afterwards that she should go and sin no more.

    We love the first part of both those narratives—it's the second half we cannot process.

    There is no doubt that Lorna is absolutely right in her statement. The problem is that she doesn't add the second half; she doesn't call these folks to go and sin no more.

    So indeed, show the gentle love of Jesus to the sinner. But also remember to show the side of Jesus who said, "But unless you repent, you will all likewise perish."
