Monday, May 03, 2010

unhelpful advise offered to homosexuals 3

Here's the next bit of unhelpful advice offered to homosexuals. Trey writes:

Sexuality (between straight people) is celebrated in much of the evangelical church nowadays with conferences about marriage and love and even sex. But my sexuality is evil and wrong and sin ...

The more I read these the more I'm reminded of the radical nature of sin, i.e., it affects our ability to see the obvious and think clearly. I found this particularly ironic since my wife and I are starting a series (as participants) called Marriage Matters. In this we will not be celebrating adultery, polygamy, pre-marital sex, lust outside of marriage, etc... We will be celebrating the beauty of God-given and God-ordained marriages and discussing how to ensure even this is Christ-centered. This is an attempt to honor God for this gift.

Only the deceived can construe from Scripture that God is honored through homosexual relations and the depth of Trey's deception is evidenced by his failure to see that. We are against both heterosexual perversions of God's gift as well as homosexuality which is a perversion itself - even if confined to the boundaries of monogamy.

Trey feels guilty because of his sin. The solution is not to drown in it as he is nor is it to legitimatize it (as he is trying), but to confront it for what it is and run to the forgiving, healing arms are Christ. He needs a change from the inside out and this will not come as he fails to see his situation as sin. Nor will he get closer by condoning others in the practice of this.

Bottom-line, the Church should not be celebrating any kind of sin. He needs to stop feeling his is special.

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