Sunday, May 16, 2010

naturally supernatural

On being naturally supernatural, Steve Hamilton posts the following description of "brokenness, brokenness, brokenness" by Dr. Terry Wardle:
  • congenital brokenness (from the fall);
  • communal brokenness (we are wounded and broken and we all go about wounding others and breaking others – Al-Anon has a saying resonating with this: “Hurt people hurt people.”);
  • but the third one is sacramental brokenness: we minister healing from a posture and place of humility and weakness as Christ lives and heals and moves through us via His Spirit.
Hamilton sums up with the following:

This keeps me humble, and I think it seems to position all of us in a mutually transforming posture. It is not I who live, but Christ lives through me. It also seems to me that in a culture of self-promotion humility becomes a primary spiritual discipline and a naturally supernatural lifestyle of following Jesus while embracing all that it entails becomes utterly counter-cultural. ... Thus, in this way, I think our distinctive of ‘naturally supernatural’ can be embraced as non-hyped but significantly life-changing via Christ Jesus with unlimited possibility and hope as we humbly submit and surrender to His Reign impacting us, moving through and on to others. We’re merely broken vessels that leak, and in seizing the authenticity inherent in brokenness, and acting on the wisdom of AA – that ‘alcoholics need other alcoholics’, i.e., the broken need others who are broken - we need to always endeavour to be mature, humble ‘pray-ers’ and as those receiving ministry to give good feedback and communication so that we move together in mutuality. In this mutuality, we give ourselves over to Jesus to move and have His Being in and through us, trusting that the subsequent transparency and humility will affect mutual transformation and mysteriously – as Colossians 1:24 hints at – bring the sorrows and sufferings of Christ to wholeness.

I love it!

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