Saturday, May 15, 2010

leaky canon - not

Has God's revelation stopped? I think not - and I like how Wayne Grudem articulates that. Here is Wayne Grudem responding to Adrian Warnock's question on that topic.

Wayne Grudem on whether God's revelation has really stopped or not from Adrian Warnock on Vimeo.

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1 comment:

  1. I have never understood the viewpoint of folks like the Pyromaniacs, who have utterly silenced the Holy Spirit.

    I have no problems with acknowledging that Scripture is a unique revelation given to meet general needs, and that it had a beginning and ending.

    What I can't understand is a position that says that God decided to put His Holy Spirit inside us so that the Spirit could be utterly silent. That makes no sense at all! If anything, individual guidance by the Holy Spirit should be more powerful and sure than in the days of Abraham, not less.

    Oh well.
