Thursday, March 04, 2010

small group writing

I use Logos Lesson Builder for my small group lessons. Except for continuing to be Windows based, it is excellent. When something I'm particularly interested in is not in LLB, I turn to the Serendipity Bible for help formulating good group questions. Occasionally I'm given some material by someone else to use in an effort to synchronize across groups within a community. Sometimes that works, sometimes not ... and I certainly understand the intent. But for the life of me I never understand the small group leader that wants to create their own material.

If however, you are one of them, please, please take the excellent advice offered by Matt Dabbs here. Below are the top lines, see his post for the detail.
  • Lessons must be teachable
  • Lessons should be short
  • Communicate one main point
  • The point comes from the text
  • Key question #1 - “What is this text trying to tell me?”
  • Key question #2 - “What does this text require of me?”
  • Empower your group leaders
  • Avoid distractions and rabbit trails
  • Avoid overuse of Greek and Hebrew
  • Proofread

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