Thursday, March 04, 2010

are you a fundamentalist

Yes - the points are arguable, some of the definitions are off, and he exaggerates in places ... but still I agree with the gist of it ... here's Mark Driscoll explaining 7 Ways to Know If You Are Becoming a Fundamentalist.

1 comment:

  1. A month ago, I would have classified his definition of "cessationist" as wrong. And maybe in the traditional cessationist/continuationist disagreement, it still is. But from a practical standpoint, he's right on.

    Had a "conversation" recently with someone who had trouble with Francis Chan's "Forgotten God", primarily because she had reduced the Holy Spirit to nothing more than an engagement ring that Jesus gave to Christians til He comes back.

    Dude(tte)!!! You're talking about God here, not a hunk of jewelry!

