Thursday, May 08, 2008

ok - i guess i am one

The theological word of the day is "Calvinism". Since I didn't know much about Calvin I want to tell people I am not a Calvinist but since people like to link you to someone I say I am a Calvinist. With this definition of Calvinist, I guess "I be one" although I much prefer the more comprehensive phrase "Reformed theology" - but that's harder to use in a sentence and our culture likes to link people to others to facilitate guilt by association.

Anyway, here's the definition offered ...

Also, “Reformed theology,” “the Reformed faith,” or “the Reformed tradition.”

A theological framework based on the teachings of 16th century French Protestant reformer John Calvin. The emphasis of this system is on the sovereignty of God over all things, with specific reference to soteriology (the doctrine of salvation). Though the distinctives of Calvinist theology may be stated in numerous ways, the best known summary is contained in the “Five points of Calvinism.” These points are: Total depravity, Unconditional election, Limited atonement, Irresistible grace, Perseverance of the Saints.

1 comment:

  1. "A theological framework based upon the Scriptures...and expounded by the likes of Augustine and Calvin." ;)

    I'm not a follower of John Calvin, but I do embrace the doctrines of grace.
