Wednesday, May 07, 2008

it was destined to come

Today's theological word of the day is a natural follow-on from yesterday's.

(Latin infra, “after” + Latin lapsus, “fall” = “After the fall”)
Also, “sublapsarianism.”

A system of belief among certain Calvinists believing in a theoretical plan of God that occurred before creation concerning his decree to save mankind. In the “infra” scheme, God first decreed creation, second he decreed to allow the fall, third he decreed to elect some to salvation while passing over others, and fourth he decreed the atonement as a means of salvation for the elect. In this order one can surmise that the damnation of the reprobate came as a result of the self-determined fall of mankind, not God’s active reprobation (double predestination).


  1. Rick: do you hold to the Infra- position, or Supra-, or something else? Just curious.

    I hold to Infra-, but I don't really get hung up on this point of theology.

  2. Hey James - I think I am infra but I am not real smart and recognize that I am easily swayed by convincing writers.
