Thursday, March 27, 2008

tolerable sins

"If your Calvinism or Arminianism or dispensationalism or views concerning the end times or your disdain for all doctrinal beliefs causes you to feel doctrinally superior to those who hold other views then you are probably guilty of the sin of doctrinal pride". ~ Jerry Bridges - "Respectable Sins - Confronting the Sins We Tolerate" - Navpress (2007) - (p92).

Good except he couldn't have meant the Calvinism piece ...



  1. I find RC Sprouls version of Christianity as the most distasteful. If straining at doctrinal gnats, and writing articles about others, using large theological labels, sitting on round table discussions, and generally exuding an ambiance of being a know-it-all is Christianity then Sproul has it covered. I have met Calvinists who see in him what I just outlined, can you imagine what someone like me sees?

    I also find it extremely useless to argue over the chronology of salvation. Faith, regeneration, forgiveness, etc. and the order in which they accur has to be the modern day "angels on a pin" discussion. Go give a homeless person a sandwhich and be of some use!

    Of course it does make us feel intellectual and Biblically insightful while we bask in the awestruck faces of the audience and their grateful spirits that we have seen fit to descend the mountain and spread a few doctrinal crumbs.

  2. Rick - sorry, you lost me on this one. I miss the connection to Sproul. Also, while I know very little of him, Chosen By God, Grace Unknown, Pleasing God, The Glory of Christ, Surprised by Suffering, and One Holy Passion were very helpful to me.

    And, for what it's worth, I just got home from handing out food in a couple of low income housing areas and praying with some of the folks.

  3. You Rick, a Calvinist with no Sproul card. Shame. Good for you today, if you weren't a Calvinist you'd be alright!

    Never mind about Sprouls, he rubs me the wrong way.
