Thursday, March 27, 2008

charismatics beware

My friend, Randy No-Blog, just tipped me off to this one.

Police Call Church Music 'Disorderly'

According to, a Michigan church filed a federal lawsuit after police officers, led by a local prosecutor, entered the sanctuary at least twice without a warrant alleging the church's music was too loud and, in one instance, threatened to arrest church musicians for disorderly conduct. Faith Baptist Church, with a congregation of about 10,000 members, is suing local officials in the Township of Waterford, Mich., in a First Amendment case a church attorney said could have national ramifications in establishing what local governments can do in regulating churches. The suit - alleging the township violated the church's freedom of religious expression, freedom of speech and freedom of association - was filed earlier this month in U.S. District Court in Detroit after the church had been subject to what it describes as raids by the Waterford Police Department, led by township prosecutor Walter Bedell. At least one of those raids occurred during a Sunday service, according to the suit. The church played contemporary Christian music that included guitars, drums, and other instruments. Township officials contend they were simply trying to enforce local noise laws and that the church is being a bad neighbor.

Now if No-Blog gets his way, this is just a first step toward eliminating Charismatic worship. He would support the aforementioned action based on the "local noise laws" but it would not be long until he and his ilk get their definition of disorderly as the one enforced by authorities.

Charismatics beware!

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  1. Anonymous1:38 PM

    Hey!! Why is "my friend" lined out?! I didn't say I agreed with the police in the article. I just forwarded it to you for information. Draw your own conclusions. (Oh, wait, I think that is what you did.)

  2. You know how us Charismatics are ... easily swayed, driven by emotion, etc..


  3. I believe with all my heart that at times the worship and celebration will be quite disorderly in heaven. I am a full fledged, no holds barred, uncomfortably demonstrative, drawn to tears, shouting, kneeling and bowing, prostrate, and sometimes many moments of silence worshiper.

    Many churches whose basic doctrine I would embrace would be very uncomfortable with me in their worship "service".
