Wednesday, December 05, 2007

sowing the kingdom is liberating

I like this Christopher Wright quote by Matt Adair.
Life itself, in all its fullness and eternity, lies in knowing and loving God (cf. Deuteronomy 30:19-20; John 17:3). For this we were created, and anything less is short of the glory of God. 'The chief end of man,' as the Westminster Confession so succinctly and biblically expressed it, 'is to glorify God and enjoy him forever' - which encapsulates the supreme task and blessing of what it means to know God, and thereby to be fully human. Accordingly, insofar as our missional engagement is a matter of making God known, it is by that very fact also a matter of bringing blessing and good to people, for 'the LORD is good.' Mission is not the imposition of yet another religious bondage upon an already overburdened humanity. It is the sharing of the liberating knowledge of the one true living God, 'in knowledge of whom standeth our eternal life.'

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