Wednesday, December 05, 2007

scared of canada

Warning ... these videos are graphic. They are Public Service Announcements in Canada. I don't know about you but they made me want to stay out of Canada.


  1. wow! I thought it was a bad joke at first, but as one living in Canada now, I actually saw the second one on tv. It is a little scary, make sure to include us in your prayers...

  2. Holy Cr*p!!!

    Sorry, but that was the first reaction i had after the first video... and I did not watch the second... I think I have also seen the second one on tv.

    To heavy for me... but effective...

    Again sorry about the C word there...


  3. Iggy - we allow cursers here ... just not Armenians.


  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Oooohhhhh, what a bummer!! Caught me off guard, that's for sure! Hmmm, had me shocked at first, but for some reason, I'm laughing right now.
