Sunday, December 09, 2007

no calls from god

From nakedpastor ...

Dscn0498 2

What do you do when God doesn't call? You can invent a theology around the idea that He doesn't do that anymore and simply left us some good reading material that teases you with the idea that at one time He did talk with people. Or - you can cry out to Him and seek Him with your whole being in the hope that as you draw near too Him He might soon speak.

I'll go with the latter.


  1. I'm kind of wondering if that fact that we're crying out so much is inhibiting our ability to "hear." "Be still and know" the Psalm says. Elijah found the voice in the quiet.

    Perhaps a little "inner room" work is what's really needed?

  2. Landon - great point! Thanks for the comment!
