Sunday, December 09, 2007

christmas prep

I spent the today getting ready for Christmas and New Year's Eve ... I couldn't find the sugar cone and a bridge but I think I can cheat with sugar cubes and a strainer (I hope).

Feuerzangebowle (Fiery Wine Punch)

3 bottles (0.7 liter each) fruity red wine (a good quality Merlot is perfect)
2 cups orange juice
½ cup lemon juice
3 cinnamon sticks
1 sliced orange
1 sliced lemon
10 cloves
1 sugar cone
Barcardi 151 Proof rum (rums with less alcohol may not stay lit)*

Mix red wine, lemon juice, orange juice and spices in a pot and heat. DO NOT BOIL. Add the sliced oranges and lemon and let simmer on low heat for 30 minutes. (You can make the punch earlier in the day and then reheat it shortly before serving.) Pour the hot punch into a heat-proof punch bowl. Put the sugar cone on the bridge and soak well with 151 proof rum. Use a long match or lighter to light the sugar and let the flame melt the sugar into the punch. Serve when most of the sugar has dripped into the punch bowl. As always, when combining fire and alcohol, be careful and don't allow children or immature adults too close to the flame.

1 comment:

  1. Hello. Just discovered your blog. Nice to meet a fellow blogger and brother in Christ. Some good stuff here. Keep it up!

    Tim <><
