Friday, November 16, 2007

our biggest threat

I haven't read it and have no plans to read it but some say that in his Everything Must Change, Brian McLaren states that the biggest threats facing the globe at present are war, poverty, global warming, ... I agree that these things are important but I have to say I align with Richard Mouw on this.
These are important issues to address. Working to promote justice and peace is a high priority for followers of Christ. But as urgent as these issues are for the health of the societies in which we live, we need to be clear about the fact that they are symptoms of a deeper problem–the unbelief that is in turn an expression of a rebellious spirit that permeates all of our lives, including the systemic dimensions of human interaction.

1 comment:

  1. Preach the gospel and make disciples. All the rest should follow. The church seems to be moving away from the atonement.
