Saturday, November 17, 2007

the cost of the kingdom

Mt 13.44-46 - The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.

Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant in search of fine pearls, who, on finding one pearl of great value, went and sold all that he had and bought it.

One thought regarding these sayings is that the Kingdom is of inestimable value and should be sought above all else. But if the cost of the Kingdom is all that one possesses, then the price is small compared to the value for gaining it. Jesus is not saying anything new to the Jew who has been eagerly anticipating the Kingdom for generations.

The real "mystery" here is the manner in which the Kingdom has come. It isn't gained by taking on the yoke of the Pharisees in devotion to the law to thereby gain prestige. It isn't gained by leading a rebellion against Rome thereby gaining political clout. In contrast, to follow Jesus meant to associate with tax collectors and sinners. Participation in the Kingdom means discipleship to Jesus which is contrary to all superficial human evaluation. Present in Jesus Himself was the Kingdom of God itself and to follow Him is worth all.

To live His life with those He is called to means one must abandon all that one possesses and ironically, on the surface, appear to have gained nothing.

As one surveys "the church" today, many can be found who do not appear to have paid any price. Some can be found who have payed a price but have gained what many would evaluate as spiritual greatness - but they would be wrong. What was gained is a false kingdom (e.g., buildings, programs, books, fame, etc.). Only a few have abandoned all and found the Kingdom life such as that found in the person and work of Jesus.

Have you been able to abandon your gain? If so, have you really abandoned it for Christ or for some other treasure that falls short of the treasure offered by our King?

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