Sunday, October 14, 2007

what does it take to get into the kingdom of god?

If you want to be great in the the Kingdom of God, you have to do and teach (there's that full Gospel thing again) all the God commands (Mt5.19) - that's a tall order. But more, to even enter the Kingdom of God according to Mt 5.20, your righteousness needs to exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees (in today's vernacular, other bloggers).

In fact, many will be more than these teachers, they will also be doers and claim to know the Lord, but even they will not be recognized by Him (Mt 7.21). Apparently the fruit is what matters and to have proper fruit one must have a proper heart (Mt 7.15-20).

The Good News is that in spite of these difficulties, many will enter from quite a diverse background (Mt 8.11).

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