Sunday, October 14, 2007

what are we to do?

What is our role as ambassadors for the King, i.e., as disciples of Jesus? Is it to sort out some form for Sunday morning gatherings? Is it to blog or write books to confront those that are doing something we arbitrarily define as church but since they don't do it the same as us they are wrong? Is it to confront those guys that are confronting those other guys? Is it to build buildings? Protect the environment? Fight abortion? Whatever????

Jesus told His disciples (Mt 10) to first of all, go out. Then to proclaim as they go, that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Then He told them to demonstrate that by healing the sick, raising the dead, cleansing lepers, and casting out demons. They should do this without pay because this is what they received without paying.

I guess that's why we need to work so hard ... it's really hard to create a program that matches that stuff [heavy sarcasm].

Bottom line - have you seen Kingdom of God? Then enter in ... no program needed.

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