Sunday, September 23, 2007

a man of influence

Here's a story that really touched me. Twenty-four years ago an man insignificant in the world's eyes made a decision that went against all he was taught, against all the advice he was being given, against some very clear indications, etc.. This decision changed the course of the world and for it, at least for 15 years, he went unrecognized - he was even punished for breaking protocol.

Read here about the man that saved the US, Russia and likely more from nuclear disaster.

I was moved as I read it. I was also reminded of how so many are holding to their version of Scriptural protocol and attacking each other. Each side claiming Biblical mandates to behave as they do and each side missing the Spirit and the Truth behind the Word. As they continue to escalate, they head for destruction and harm many of those around them.

Lord set me free to become the man You created me to be.


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