Monday, September 24, 2007

calvin on the already not yet

Apparently John Calvin in his Fifth Sermon on Ephesians:
We must endure patiently, because God will not have us come to his kingdom with, so to speak, one leap, but will have us negotiate this world through thorns and briars, so that we shall have much trouble in getting through and we shall be in great distress. Seeing that he will have us led by such a way, and yet nevertheless gives us so good a remedy as ought to be sufficient for us—which is that he strengthens us with invincible constancy by his Holy Spirit—let us stand ready to fight till the time of victory is fully come.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.


  1. Yea, but he doesn't...

    Never mind, God hasn't opened your eyes yet Rick.

    (As Data said, "Humor, I love it!")

  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    Good Day :) God is Love, May you experience God's Love this Day, may we really learn to Praise him in all things :) Lets Share God's Love today :) You are Loved!
