Sunday, September 30, 2007

the kingdom v. knowledge

Your Kingdom is not about knowing concepts and bible academics and cerebral information but Your Kingdom is about divine encounters that translate into doing the ministry of the Lord Jesus. ~ Rob Rufus in Knowing the Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

I don't see this as saying knowledge through Scripture is not important. I think it is saying we need to keep it in perspective. Knowing God is supreme. Knowing His Word is a way to know Him.


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  1. And this is exactly where the dance gets dicey. If you are content with your orthodoxy and that keeps you entrenched without any mystery or dangerous practice, then you are stagnant, no matter how orthodox. Where are the doctrinally solid group that eats with gays, calls all night prayer meetings, hold street meetings, worships together for hours, and asks the Spirit to lead us into avenues that require dangerous faith?

    Wearing your doctrinal merit badge while treating the falling away as a spectator sport is using your outrage as a camouflage for your own powerlessness. It is productive to remember there are more than two "camps" in evangelicalism. I think the best camp is one which has taken things from all the others.

  2. are you listening to Rufus now?
