Sunday, September 30, 2007

authentic evangelism

Dan Bowen brings these great quotes on evangelism from Ern Baxter in Evangelism by Example.
I believe God's plan for the salvation of the nations not only involves the bringing of men and women into the Kingdom of God but the stemming of ungodliness and the bringing of kingdom principles into the nation. I believe His plan is to go into a country with a kind of spiritual contingent that will unitedly bind the Strongman and blast that nation for God leaving behind evangelism by example - a witnessing community.

The greatest force in evangelism is not the gimmicks and all that goes with it in modern day evangelism; the greatest force is to realise that man's souls are hell-bound by a satanic power that cannot be broken by evangelistic gimmicks and evangelistic meetings but can only be broken by the intercessory prayer and authoratative attack and assault of God's people who break Satan's power over unbelieving men.

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  1. "The greatest force in evangelism is not the gimmicks and all that goes with it in modern day evangelism; the greatest force is to realise that man's souls are hell-bound by a satanic power that cannot be broken by evangelistic gimmicks and evangelistic meetings but can only be broken by the intercessory prayer and authoratative attack and assault of God's people who break Satan's power over unbelieving men."

    Amen and amen!!

  2. There's got to be more to "evangelism" than "the alternatives are all bad" - we too often have to make the bad news really bad in order to make the good news sound good-er.
