Sunday, September 23, 2007

am i prophetic ... not really

I was reading someone's blog that happened to link to an old post of mine from March 2006. In it I said,
I think the charge that "the postmodern preference for ambiguity and uncertainty is seriously at odds with Scripture" is unsubstantiated and frankly, the accusers seem to demonstrate a greater lack of understanding of the Gospel than the accused. It seems to me that both sides have a clear understanding of the Gospel and how to present it. One side seems a bit distracted from the task and prefers to play the role of watchdog. I've read and heard some great preaching from that group. I for one think they would really contribute to the Kingdom if they got back to that focus.

I was thinking that was interesting because:
  • the pattern of attack by some on others hasn't changed over the years - only who they focus the attack on has changed. And when I say years, I'm thinking back to the days of Christ.
  • the attackers tend to demonstrate as much error or more as they try to oppose the error of others
  • in nowise is the Kingdom of God advanced in any of it
So that this doesn't trigger an off-topic debate, this is about truth warriors attacking others, not post-modernism nor emergents. I would now qualify my statement above regarding postmodernism with the hard versus soft postmodernism point.

1 comment:

  1. A man sees his expensive car being driven by someone in an erratic and unsafe way. So he rents a crane, lifts a huge boulder, and waits on the side of the road where the car is coming.

    At the exact moment he releases the boulder and smashes the car in pieces. "There", he says, "That takes care of the unsafe driving!".

    An analogy about some of the watchman tactics in dealing with the unsafe and erratic doctrinal driving of some.
