Saturday, August 11, 2007

the word of grace

The Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. - Jn 1.14

Grace AND Truth - these are the characteristics of the one we long to be like.

Leon Morris describes grace a "that which causes joy" and "winsome". It speaks of God's "good will" and "kindness".

Grace alone is liberalism. Truth alone is legalism. The One whom we wish to glorify forever is filled is both. He is gracious is truth.

I've written before, for us to say something Biblically, we must be truthful and it must be beautiful. One without the other is lacking.

Perhaps at any moment in time we might appear as one or the other, although the preference would be to always bring balance. But overall, what describes your conversation? Do you lean toward one or the other? Worse, are you extreme toward one or the other?

Oh - and by the way, the Word became flesh and dwelt among us!!! Amazing. And when He left, He gave us the comforter to be with us. Folks, He didn't leave us a book - He left Himself. Live like it. Read the Book but live as He did, as ambassadors of the King, empowered by God, speaking with Him and hearing Him, and then doing all that He says.

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