Friday, August 10, 2007

conforming to god's justice

From The Way In is The Way On by John Wimber:
Some evangelicals believe that God's Kingdom hasn't even arrived yet. This point of view stems largely from a relatively recent belief system know as "Dispensationalism," which has influenced many (thought be no means all) American evangelicals. This view of the Kingdom of God traces its heritage from the Scofield Study Bible, which taught that we're living in a "church age" that is wholly separate from God's active reign on earth. They believe that God's Kingdom will be established on earth in some future millennium. They conclude from their view of the kingdom that all attempts to establish justice in this age are like "polishing brass on a sinking ship." The only legitimate and worthwhile activity for them is evangelism, which for them is the saving of souls for the afterlife.

There is a growing tendency among another subset of evangelicals to attempt to enforce a heavenly kingdom through an external "Christianizing" of society. They want to do this by enforcing Old Testament laws in political and governmental practices today. They conclude that this new society under "God's law" will pave the way or usher in the Kingdom.

Neither of these approaches seem satisfactory to me. I believe that Jesus has shown us a third way that recognizes the first-fruits presence of the Kingdom, here and now, but at work in a way that involves both individuals and communities, transcending politics-as-usual. I believe our focus should be on changing the church so she is conformed to God's justice and holiness. In this regard, the church acts as a counter-culture and social conscience, "salt" and "leaven" in the world-at-large. Our mission is the work of redemption in the world today, and including the salvaging of souls and caring for the physical and social needs of those we have contact with.

Ours is to live lives, both individually and communally, of Christ-likeness. This requires a knowledge of His Word, relationship with Him, and power from the moment by moment filling of His Spirit.

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