Friday, August 31, 2007

when you thought it couldn't get worse

Just when one thinks that the trap of sin couldn't get worse, Pyromaniacs oblige. Here is Frank Turk:
Emerging Church: bad as Gutless Grace Girliemen? Worse than Wrongheaded Wrightophiles? Sillier than Leaky Canoneers?
— OR —
Emerging/Emergent Errors; Puerile Pomo Prattle; Abominable Antinomian Aberrations; Novel New-Perspective Nonsense; Crazy Charismaniac Charlatanism; Sanctimonious Sacramentalist Superstitions; Cynical, Condescending Catholicity; Private Prophetic Phantasms; and Seeker-Sensitive Silliness: What Do They All Have in Common?

The primary point of this post is to really bring all the people we have had consistent adversarial interaction with out of the woodwork to see if we can't make a comment thread go past the 1,000 mark—because after all, we get thousands of readers every day. Everyone should have something to say for himself.

(There's a possible counter-bonus to being so open about our aims. All our friends among the jolly-raunchers and tongue-waggers and shape-shifters and gutless-gracers might read our goal, and think "Well, I'll be [EC verbiage deleted] if I'm going to oblige those judgmental pinheaded legalistic dead-lettered haters!", and stay away. Net result? We get to whack away to our hearts' content, unopposed. See? Win/win!)

It's amazing! Turk goes on to say he is justified in this because:

after our concurrent 3-ish years of blogging, we have come to realize that blogging cannot be serious business. Investing a lot of time in posts which say things like God's provision is usually exactly what we need, or that the sufficiency of God's word far exceeds any experience we could hope to encounter, or that we often discount what God has already done never seems to work out for us. People don't remember them. They're not what people come here to see.

Which is ironic because I have commented a number of times about the specific disagreements with some of their posts as well as the sinful nature of their recent attacks. But each time they replied that I was whining and being judgmental about their being judgmental. Every time I pointed to a specific, they failed to reply in-kind but instead mocked me - and worse, went back to saying, "see, no one wants to engage."

Turk exemplifies the dead end that comes from thinking that the purpose of Scripture is to use as a pick list to beat up those unlike yourself.

And what if we lump together all those bustling, bristling groups that have found (invented) such wonderful ways of packing churches—by substituting arts and crafts, skits and dances, jokes and stories, gimmicks and gewgaws, rather than the red-hot, passionate, truth-full, straight-up, eternal-God- talking-to-you-today (Hebrews 3:7-13) preaching of the Word?

I knight him king of the God-is-dead crowd and sadly, while there used to be some value in their writings, I now realize that Pyromaniacs no longer have anything Biblical left to write.


  1. I have tried for some time to understand these guys, but I have decided it is no longer worth the effort. Enjoy the blog (yours that is).

  2. brad - thanks for dropping by.

    God bless
