Friday, August 31, 2007

what's wrong with us

I was critical of Paul Mayers for his post revealing some openness to the potential that a person could be both Muslim and Christian, etc.. But today he posts this excellent cartoon which I think just about summarizes so much of what I've been frustrated with lately.


The cartoon is from JonBirch.

I think I'm Evangelical but have tendencies to either side.. Where do you think you fit?

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  1. if i go by the cartoon - i am probably evangelical with more leanings toward the emergent side. i am not sure that i like the stark distinctions in the cartoon but that's where i would fall.

  2. yes - clearly exaggerations but in the end, we are all just caricatures ...

    PS - your dad is re-writting the will as I type.

  3. Jon Birch? I'm still a member!

  4. Hey Rick - How would I download those for my website?
