Tuesday, August 28, 2007

unassailable - a rebuttal

I won't spend too much time on these posters anymore but since TeamPyro thinks it's important to continue ...

TeamPyro and their fans think that those that the posters represent refuse to engage (which of course is Pyrospeak for they don't accept the response). This particular poster is interesting because it represents how they respond when someone does in fact engage. Comments or posters come out that effectively say, "stop whining and accept our criticism." And they claim that this is Christ-like, helpful, etc..

Here's the poster and here's the article.


The poster implies that TeamPyro (and other critics) are by definition correct. Any ECM'er that questions the charge made has to defend it even if they also don't believe what they are accused of believing. If they try to deny it, they are charged with whining and refusal to deal with the criticism being leveled. This is a lose-lose situation.

TeamPyro doesn't care if you agree with what they say you think. They do not believe in the mystical yet they somehow know your thoughts better than you do.

I find it interesting that this pattern of misrepresenting others has been around from this same group for many years. I became exposed to it in the late 80's and it peaked for me in 1993 when John MacArthur wrote Charismatic Chaos. I find it more interesting that these guys continue to think that the problem is denial by others. I wonder if they ever took a moment to look at the common thread between them and the many varied groups of believers that they have chosen to attack over the years?

Their response is always the same. That is that they know what others are thinking and any resistance to that simply provides them ammunition to say the other guy isn't listening.

TeamPyro - time to wake up.

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  1. I just find the whole atmosphere unsettling. The choir is aggressive and seems to have a insider mindset. And maybe I'm wrong, but I just sense that the overseers surface when there is turbulence rather than an olive branch.

    Most of the posters are intellectually creative in their biting sarcasm, and it is disengenous to suggest that they are created for anything but humoring the lemmings that provides them with a "inside joke" mentality. I cannot see Jesus directing their creation.

  2. Wow! Charismatic Chaos... I remember that now. What a great example of the exact kind of thing we're seeing here. I feel very badly about the way I viewed my "more rambunctious" brothers before I cleansed my system of that mindset.

    Henry, great comment with many great words: turbulence (always fun to say; great comparison to olive branch), disengenous, lemmings... i love it!
