Tuesday, August 28, 2007

christocentric v. theology

In response to a friend being rejected for a church staff role based on a theological point, Jim Meredith writes to his fellow "trekkers" the following.

Christocentrism has been my theme for over fifty years. What does it mean? Put simply, it is this: The Christian faith is all about Jesus the Christ, first, last, and always, in every situation, every decision and every relationship. The goal of life is Jesus … to get to know Him more, to love Him more, and to serve and speak of Him more in all of life. Trekker, make no mistake, this the top of the mountain of life! There is no other peak in life worthy of our time and energy than to be for, like and all about Jesus, only!

Take Christ seriously in one’s life and you will divide the world. Jesus said it well: “You are for me, or against me.” Neutrality or nonchalance concerning
the person of Jesus Christ is not an option. As I write, the news highlighted recently some pundit suggesting if we all used the ‘Allah’ phrase for God, all
would be solved. What a crock! Islam and Christianity are incompatible faiths primarily for one reason - Jesus Christ. Is He front and center, the essence of
faith, or just another prophet? He alone is “God with us”. The uniqueness of Christianity is His birth, death, and resurrection. This is spelled out by the Apostle Paul in his writing to the early Christians in Corinth, Greece. (I Cor 15.)

Down through the ages, God as creator has been recognized, whether the name is God or Allah. But God as Jesus, Lord and Savior, is a stumbling block. How could a man be God, or be given a name which is above every name, so that one day every tongue shall confess and every knee shall bow to Him? The
equality of God and Christ the world cannot understand and so readily disavows and denies. Peter demanded of the Jews at Pentecost (Acts 2) that Jesus be recognized as Lord, the promised Messiah, and the Church’s true message must zero in on this truth in every generation. The Lord also zeroed in on this before His death, repeatedly asking the disciples, “Who do you really think I am?”

In practice, what certain elements of the Church have propagated in the name of doctrine, dogma or theological truisms often have received more allegiance and have become more important than Christ. Oh, this would be vehemently denied, but what happened to my friend because he wasn’t ‘dispensational’ enough in his thinking, happens daily throughout the Church. And it is a litmus test developed by man! We are too good at constructing relational barriers within the Church, whereas all followers of Christ should be ‘bridge engineers’ of the highest order. Bridges not barriers should be our heart throb… bridges to Jesus. John 17:20-23 outlines this for us in the Lord’s prayer. By our focus on Jesus as one with and sent by the Father, we will realize unity. This unity
and love for Christ alone and each other is the greatest ‘good news’ the earth has ever heard or will see. Lived out, it will convince the skeptic.

Christocentrism, or Christocentric thinking, focuses all thought and action contained in the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testament, on Jesus the Christ. “He alone has revealed Him!” (John 1:18) Unfortunately, when man enters the picture, assessing after the fact what God has done, some theological constructs often tell us more about man than God. The self-orientation of man creeps into his belief system. Man-made grids and templates color and too often taint so much of Christian thought in every age. (This is a reason one of my dearest friends refuses to use Christian as an adjective! Think about that!)

The world does not need yet more prophetic thought, or man-made schools of ‘new’ revelation. The world needs Jesus Christ alone! All else which passes for ‘solutions’ are mere band aids for the human predicament. Fallen mankind needs the Christ who is the Living Truth (John 14:6). Thus, all reasoning about God must be Christocentric! I make no apology for being adamant and passionate for this Truth. It is pre-eminent for this Trekker and I hope for you.

For sure, theological agreement should never be a ‘test of fellowship’ among people in Christ. If it is, we may revere our theology more than Christ. We must
remember, God forgives us all our theology! Systemization of supposed truth throughout Church history has so often led to new ‘isms’ which capture our imagination and act as a lens (we now see through a glass darkly) through which we view our relationship to Christ. How sad when any ‘ism’ becomes an idolatrous object of reverence or a test of faith. Trekker, never let beliefs about God become ‘a god’ to you. If so, you will defend only the dust of the ground! God has spoken; no one need speak for God, in reality. Heb 1:1-4 resounds, “… in these last days He has spoken to us by His Son…” Read the entire passage.

Christocentric! You betcha! Jesus Christ alone is the Word of God (John 1:1-2). Trekker, allow Him alone to be the center of your love, your thought and your every action. If so, you will climb every mountain and achieve every dream. For Christ in you is the hope and glory of every true trekker.

Jim is not anti-theology, he is anti-anti-Christocentric. We too often put our doctrine above Christ. Jim - thank you for your words and I need to reread this more frequently - certainly earlier today would have been good.

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