Friday, August 24, 2007

tradition - a rebuttal

This is getting too easy ... here's the next poster and the related article.


What does this poster communicate to you? I seems to indicate that Emergents make up things as they go, that they do not value tradition, and perhaps it may communicate that they are the "party crowd". While the poster seems to be negative, I'm not sure if those points, unless taken to extreme are bad.

Making up things as they go? A positive spin would be "flexible".

No value for tradition? No value or disregard would feel bad to me but not holding tradition over people or Scripture, etc. would sound like a good and Biblical thing.

Party crowd? I think fun is good.

So ok, I'm not sure what TeamPyro is attempting to communicate here with their persistence of maligning the Church but let's take a look at the referenced article. Huh? It's a book entitled Alternative Worship - that doesn't say I hate tradition does it? Here's the summary.
If the church is to remain faithful and relevant in the third millennium it must be in tune with alternative worship, a refreshing blend of first-century faith with twenty-first century technology and language. With one hand in the past and one in the future, Alternative Worship delivers an original collection of resources for receptive churches in the mainstream or those on the progressive edge.

Arranged around major festivals of the church year--Advent and Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost--its unique liturgies and prayers, innovative and meaningful rituals, and informative and challenging views of the alternative worship scene make this book the most comprehensive postmodern worship resource available. The accompanying interactive CD-ROM offers easy access to ambient sounds, stimulating visuals, and modern music to enrich your alternative worship experience.

As Alternative Worship's postmodern liturgies express so lucidly, worship celebrates the Unparalleled Who of the Grand Story. We can affirm to God and to each other who we really are: a wildly gifted and profoundly flawed people in the marvelous, mystical process of redemption.

Let's see, they are actually trying to refresh some ancient tradition. Is that what TeamPyro accurately communicated? No.

Let's see, they are making use of contemporary art as part of the worship experience. Does that come close to TeamPyro's representation? No.

Frankly, I love this statement and cannot understand TeamPyro's heart when they mock a people who simply want to "affirm to God and to each other who we really are: a wildly gifted and profoundly flawed people in the marvelous, mystical process of redemption." What is it that TeamPyro is affirming when they attack this group of believers?

What is it that glorifies God in the action that this proud and deceitful group at TeamPyro has undertaken?

Someone please jump in here. I'm am completely missing the base for this on-going attack on Christians.

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