Friday, August 24, 2007

macarthur on the bible

I recently posted that I wasn't completely sure what John MacArthur was saying in the Christians Debate War piece on Larry King Live. Actually I think I understand but it's probably more that I do not find his argument regarding war compelling.

BUT - one of the things that keep drawing me back to MacArthur is the following exchange from the same program:

MACARTHUR: . . . the [political] power will never belong to me [or to] those who represent true biblical Christianity because the Kingdom advances one soul at a time through the belief in the Gospel in Jesus Christ. Anything [else] is a prostitution. Look, the New Testament says the powers that be are ordained of God. That was the word of God to people living under Roman government, under a Caesar. Don’t overthrow that power. That’s what God has put in place. We work within that to advance the Kingdom one person at a time.

KING: Barry?

[BARRY] LYNN: See, I would disagree with that. That is a literal belief. Many of us do not have a literal belief in the words of the — not God written and produced but man written and produced Holy Bible for Christians.

MACARTHUR: Well, there’s the huge divergence right there.

LYNN: That’s a huge difference. It is a huge divergence, but it’s one of the things that makes the Christian community and many of the other communities we’re talking about here very diverse and very different.

MACARTHUR: Barry, if you don’t believe the words of the Bible, then you can’t be legitimately called a Christian because that’s all the Christianity there is, [it] is what is revealed in the word of God, not the Christianity you can invent outside of the meaning of Scripture.

Jonny Mac - this is your strength, stay with it. You are a rock is a sea of confusion. Stay strong.

When MacArthur stays with Scripture, even when I cannot align with his conclusion, I find encouragement in the exchange. When he does this, he stands in positive contrast to a world heading toward destruction. Grace to you ...

HT:the Expositor

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