Sunday, August 12, 2007

god and star wars

Mike Jutt tells the story of his 4 year old son who just discovered Star Wars. Jutt's son raced up to him the other day and started rambling about how he just found out about these characters and the Star Wars story. As an avid Star Wars geek, Jutt is thrilled. He is overjoyed at the idea that his son shares his passion. He begins to think of the rubbermaid tubs stored in their basement filled with 70's and 80's Star Wars memorabilia. He gets excited about sharing these things with his son and telling him more of the story of Star Wars. But - before he has a chance to say anything or share any of this stuff - his son finishes telling him what he has learned about Star Wars and dashes off to play with his friends.

This is how we are with God. Too often we do not come to Him and when we do, we tell Him how good He is, or what we need, or something like that but then we rush off. We rarely take the time to stop and listen to (or watch for) what He might want to say in response. God Has much more for us than anything we have so far discovered but just like Jutt's son, we typically do not take the time to allow Him to share more with us.

Let's take some time this Lord's day to hear what our Father might want to say or to show us. I bet it's a lot cooler than Star Wars stuff.

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