Saturday, August 11, 2007

the bible tuning fork

John MacArthur writes regarding A.W. Tozers illustration:
He said if a person had four thousand pianos and tried to tune them to each other, you couldn't do it. If you had one tuning fork you could tune them all to that. And the one tuning fork to which all of your lives are tuned is the truth, the faith of the gospel. When you're all tuned to that, you're all tuned to each other. Apart from a Spirit-informed understanding of the truth, accompanied by a pursuit of godliness that regularly and continually deals with sin, we will not realize the Christian character-pillar of unity in our fellowship. But if we do unite in the pursuit of truth and holiness (Ro 15.6; 1 Co 1.10; Phil 1.27), we will minister to one another in harmony, glorify the Lord with one voice, and send a uniform and consistent witness to those who don't know Him.

Amen! Let's do that!

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