Monday, July 30, 2007

what should the church be?

John MacArthur writes on what the Church was meant to be. I have to admit his opening sentences really struck a chord with me.
In many respects, the contemporary church in America looks more like a large corporation than like anything described in the New Testament. Even church leaders sometimes bear a closer resemblance to CEOs and corporate executives than to humble, tender shepherds.

I really hate what some churches have begun to look like and in retrospect, I have probably helped a few get that way. I remember recently a pastor asking me what I thought his role was. Since I felt that the community had no sense of direction and lacked unity, I chose some cooperate sounding words to respond with. I suggested he was like the CEO, he had to cast vision, build a leadership team, etc.. Again, in retrospect, I could kick myself. I'm still not sure what I should have told him but "CEO" - ouch, big mistake.

I love some of MacArthur's other points.

Here’s an obvious starting point: A church built to the Master’s plan will begin with the right raw material — a saved congregation.

If the church is to be built Christ’s way, it will be redeemed and therefore empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Your church ought to be able to instill awe in your community.

Now of course I about fell out of my chair when, in spite of the above right statements, MacArthur added nonsense like this.

Though the miracles and wonders of the apostolic times are no longer necessary now that God’s Word is complete, God’s power remains on display.

He just can't help himself. But that aside, there were some pearls in this article - worth reading. And I thought it helpful because it really highlighted the contradiction that the "already, gone for now, but back again soon" crowd has to live with.

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