Monday, July 30, 2007

johnson on the kingdom in the old testament

"If you succumb to the temptation to worry, what you are really doing is borrowing tomorrow's troubles without access to tomorrow's grace." - Phil Johnson

This is from an excellent and encouraging post by Johnson based on 1 Kings 17:10 - well worth the read. Scripture is the stuff we can live by. It reminds us, as Johnson says, that "each day's supply is sufficient for that day. And if we learn to live that way, we will discover God's grace truly is sufficient."

Please also note that this passage in 1 Kings 17 reveals more. When "the man of God" showed up, not only was the flour that this poor woman had multiplied, but her dead son was raised again. This is the God of Scripture and this is how He demonstrates His Kingdom. The Kingdom is here. We have hope in it now and we have hope in its coming. I thank God not only for Scripture but for what Scripture reveals.

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